Harmonic kiss by Bach Yen & Tran Quang Hai , 01 02 2009

Harmonic kiss by Bach Yen & Tran Quang Hai , 01 02 2009

The Harmonic Kiss is the exercice to use two mouths closing together but never being touched. One mouth plays the role of producer of a fixed sound as a fundamental while the second mouth plays the role of receptor as an external resonator which amplifies the overtones and modify them by changing the shape of the lips and mouth in pronouncing vowels “o – a , o – a , o – a”  many times without making sound .

The result is that one can hear some overtones over the fundamental sound sung by the other mouth. This exercice  is used for music therapy and has been developed by Tran Quang Hai during his workshops for many years .

Published on Feb 1, 2009

Bạch Yến & Trần Quang Hải practise the harmonic kiss . It is the 3rd time they have done it.

TRAN QUANG HAI sings overtones in front of a cow at the Norsk Folke Museum, Bygdoy, Norway

TRAN QUANG HAI sings overtones in front of a cow at the Norsk Folke Museum, Bygdoy, Norway

Published on Aug 16, 2009

Tran Quang Hai made an experiment of singing overtones in front of a cow at the Norsk Folke Museum, Bygdoy, Norway to see the cow’s reactions . Filmed at the Norsk Folke Museum, August 15, 2009 by tran quang hai himself

TRAN QUANG HAI sings overtones in front of cows in UDINE, ITALY

TRAN QUANG HAI sings overtones in front of cows in UDINE, ITALY

Published on Oct 5, 2009

Tran Quang Hai sings overtones in front of cows in Udine, Italy to see if these cows have some reaction . 02 october 2009 . Before the starting of the festival CANTO SPONTANEO organized by Giovanni Floreani
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