Marie-Cécile Barras and Anne-Marie Gouiffès : The Reception of Overtone Singing by Uninformed Listeners

journal of interdisciplinary music studies
spring/fall 2008, volume 2, issue 1&2,
art.#0821204, pp.59-70•Correspondence:
M.-C. Barras, Univ. Bordeaux IV(IUFM), 160 Avenue de Verdun–
BP90152, 33705Mérignac Cedex, France;
The Reception of Overtone Singing by UninformedListeners
Marie-Cécile Barras1and Anne-Marie Gouiffès2
1University of
Bordeaux(IUFMd’Aquitaine, Bordeaux IV and Department of Music,Bordeaux III)
2Jeannine Manuel Bilingual School, Paris and OMF, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne
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