An earthquake of a final note from the PaTRAM institute male choir featuring ten oktavists, The PaTRAM Institute Male Choir Singing at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Saratov, Russia

Alexander Mayang‎ toChoral Music6d

An earthquake of a final note from the PaTRAM institute male choir featuring ten oktavists.

Joshua Bamford THAT’s vocal dimorphism!!

Nicholas Bannan I can’t quite make out whether it is a very low modal phonation, or a subharmonic achieved in Tuvan style.

Nicholas Bannan I wonder whether Tran Quang Hai can evaluate the vocal production of the basses as modal or subharmonic?

WHEN NICHOLAS BANNAN FROM AUSTRALIA ASKED ME WHETHER THE MALE CHOIR OF THE PATRAM INSTITUTE IN SATAROV RUSSIA SUNG THE EARTHQUAKE SOUND WHICH CAN BE MODAL SINGING OR SUGHARMONIC, I SPEND A FEW HOURS TO LISTEN THE CLIP VERY CAREFULLY TRYING TO DISCOVER THE WAY THEY PRODUCED THE VERY LOW SOUND ; FINALLY ,THE RESULT OF MAKING THE SAME SOUND EFFECT WITH LOW SOUND. FIRST, I SANG THE NORMAL PITCH IN MEDIUM LEVAL WITH THE WORLD ” HOR” THEN I CHANGED TO THE WORD ” EE like BEE” in an octave lower than the first sound. The produced sound “EE” with the mouth half close, and the sound like you snore with the low vibration of the low sound creating the earthquake sound effect .This vocal production can be compared with the KARGYRAA Tuvin and Mongolian style, or the TIBETAN low sound chanting.
The vibration of the false vocal cords makes this kind of low sound . Do you think that it is subharmonic ? I am only the voice imitator.
Thank you Nicholas for offering me this occasion to practise my voice experimentation .
TRAN QIANG HAI (14/08/2020 , FRANCE)

Dmitriev LB, Chernov BP, Maslov VT. : Functioning of the voice mechanism in double-voice Touvinian singing.


Functioning of the voice mechanism in double-voice Touvinian singing.

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